
Showing posts from January, 2023


4 th january A 35 year old female with complaints of painful lesions on her body,fever,burning sensation on the lips, difficulty in swallowing since the past 1 week. Hi, I am M praveen kumar of 3rd semester .This is an online E logbook to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s consent. This also reflects our patient centered online learning portfolio. The patient’s consent was taken verbally prior to history taking and examination of her condition. CHIEF COMPLAINT: A 35 year old female patient who works on a farm land and is a resident of Nakrekal district came to the OPD with complaints of painful lesions on the neck, chest and leg associated with fever since the past 1 week. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week ago.Then she developed painful lesions on the neck,chest,arms and legs which was associated with fever The fever was insidious in onset.More during the day time.The fever was gradually reduci


JANUARY 3RD 3/1/2023 General medice elog Hi , I am M praveen kumar of 3rd semester student. This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.  CHEIF COMPLAINTS  A 85 year old male who is farmer by occupation resident of achampeta came to OPD with cheif complaints of breathlessness while walking,fever, swelling in the legs. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESSES  Patient was apparently asymptomatic  15 days ago.Then he had slowly increasing breathlessness,(he developed SOB initially grade 2 later progressed to grade 4,incidious onset not associated with diurinal variation and also varies with posture).which was initially less but gradually increased.mild fever(intermittent type) has also developed And there was also sweeping in the feet of Patient . Pedal edema(incidious onset whic was progressed from grade 1 then grade 4,which was increased while working and decreased during rest). He prev